
HELP! Pretty Please! ♥♥♥

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I need some serious help!  I can add posts to my blog, but for some mysterious reason, I cannot comment on others blogs, even my own!  When I type into the comment box, it takes me to the Google log in, I log in, place my comment in the comment box, press publish and it takes me again to Google log in~I sign in once again and get back to the comment box and it identifies me as "anonymous".  If I hit publish again, my post does not show up!  I am beyond perplexed, if any of you sweet bloggers understand what is happening, can you help me straighten it out?  HELP! 

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4 Responses to “HELP! Pretty Please! ♥♥♥”

  1. I know a lot of bloggers were having this problem a month or so ago. I bet if you google it, you might get some answers. I am not sure, but are you using Internet Explorer? You might want to try Google Chrome as your browser. I know Pamela from French Buttons blog was having this problem...she is on my sidebar. YOu might try sending her a private email asking how she resolved it.

  2. Make sure you uncheck the box when you sign in. Hope that helps.

  3. Thanks Willow and Amy, I am going to try this!

  4. WILLOW! You are fabulous! I still don't understand how it fixed it, but thank you! XOXOX
